"What's flisstered", you ask?
Flisstered is part flattered, part PISSED!
You're probably wondering what could possibly have the mild mannered Tracker flisstered. Well, I'm gonna tell you.
I think I've been scraped!
Check this Tumblr blog and tell me if I'm wrong. I don't seem to be the only one. If you look through the blog you'll also find articles by Pro Blogger, Blogging Tips, Daily Blog Tips, Marketing Pilgrim, Blog About Your Blog, John Chow, John Cow and Vandelay Website Design. There's even a post about how to ad a copyright to the bottom of your feed.
I guess I should feel proud to be included in such company. I'm a little flattered that someone thought my work was valuable enough to steal, but I'm still pissed.
Does this mean I've made the big time?
Top Secret Blogger
Take a couple of seconds and click over to read my newest post on Top Secret Blogger.
Blog About Your Blog
Be sure to check out the new contest over at Blog About Your Blog. Entry is just a link to the home page. Be sure to check out the crap the 1st and 2nd place losers win compared to the awesome 3rd place prize.
Thank You!
I want to thank those of you who have reported back on the effect of the Reddit experiment and remind those of you who haven't that you need to, please.
What ever you did must have worked! The post is no longer available on their site.
Very informative, thank you :)
@ Patric - I guess so. I didn't think about it but that post would have shown up on the scraper blog.
@ Andrew - Glad you liked it! Thanks for the comment.
You may have and probably should be flattered. For a while there was this chick that was snagging my posts, no credit, right down to the pics and the little avatars I post at the beginning and end of each post.
I got on her case and she started putting in a link.
It is flattering, but it is also a jerk off thing to do.
I've had my content stolen too :( it sucks but not much you can do. sorry to hear your flisstered lol.
@ Becky - I'm just glad the site's down now.
@ Shaun - I'm not flisstered any more :)
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